Presentations are Cancelled Until Further Notice

 Cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  Social Distancing  is everyone’s responsibility.

Now that the growing season is over, our activities tend to retreat to the warmth and comfort of  indoors.   But there’s still so much we can share with you.  Would you like to know more about the Garden’s history or  perhaps Mr. Reader’s impact on Calgary’s development intrigues you?  We offer private  presentations to answer your quest for more information.  The snow doesn’t stop us resilient gardeners, right?  Just as Mr. Reader did in his time, we strive to connect with the community’s many interests and varied audiences, making our historical talks educational, filled with visual support, but also fun and memorable!

We invite  you and your group to email us at    and we can discuss this opportunity further.


About Diane Dalkin

As of May 2022, I am now assisting the FoRRGS team as President [again], but only until a new person steps up into this exciting role. I have been a long-term volunteer of this exceptional, dedicated group. As a Master Gardener, this special oasis appeals to my horticultural interests; however it offers so much more. Whether you are a historical aficionado, a nature enthusiast, a photography buff or simply searching for quiet repose, Reader Rock Garden is a destination-of-choice. I'm proud to be part of this National Historic Site!